
Mind Control and Torture Today

To begin this post I need to preface it with a little bit of background from my earlier posts and essays. My topic being discussed is Project MKUltra. Project MK Ultra 'was' a government experiment for mind control and torture that happened from 1955-1975, or did it. I have come to the realization through my research that it did not stop there. The government may have said that it stopped but they never produced the evidence supporting this claim. Much of the work that went into MK Ultra is missing. It was burned during the infamous Watergate scandal to attempt to get rid of all evidence but come survived and now we as citizens can see the dark mark in our country's history. Project MK Ultra was an attempt to find the perfect truth serum and potential mind control techniques. obviously, they didn't find exactly what the were looking for. Though LSD seemed to be good in making people a little more willing to talk it had serious side effects as shown in the case of Dr.

A Government of Lies

Governments throughout the ages have hidden their true intentions from citizens. Monarchies are a classic example of this. France (year) Marie Antionette was known for her love of confectionaries such as cookies and cake, of course, what she refers to as cake was just a sweet bread but to the starving French citizens, they had been lied to. Living in porous conditions while their leaders went by saying France was broke while eating their fill and more. Governments lying has been a start to many revolutions, in the case of the birth of America it began from the lie that England would stay out of the colonies business and did not. So why do they still lie and hide things? Simple, they want to keep their subjects under control. What better way than to actually control them? In the late 1970's the CIA released a statement that Project MK Ultra was indeed over. But was it just an elaborate cover-up? It is known that many groups of people have attempted to perform what we refer to as m

An Ongoing Struggle

Anyone affected by this monstrosity of an experiment can tell you that it has never ended for them, but did the experimenting stop when the CIA said it did? As mentioned before in my posts, some pretty peculiar things have happened since that seem to have some pretty strong ties to MK Ultra, the question is, is it ongoing? For those of you out there who are paranoid about the government already, you might not want to look too closely. The government has been using its people for experiments since its beginning. Who better to test your hypothesis on the unsuspecting public? A huge issue with this solution though is if you are unprepared for LSD (the most commonly used technique) you can have some serious side effects such as manic episodes, panic attacks, depression, paranoia, and more. The flashbacks alone can drive a person insane. If this isn't bad enough for some of the more knowing subjects they use more than one technique bringing an on slough of side effects. It doesn't j

Polybius - the haunted mind control arcade game

  For those of you unfamiliar with the 'urban legend' Polybius let me catch you us to speed. This mysterious game was said to have one day show up in an arcade in 'Portland, Oregon in 1981. Kids in the arcade flocked to the new game, fights broke out with those waiting to see what it was all about. Little did the know the consequences of such a game. As to what the content was and if it really existed that depends on the sources you look but all sources come out with the same result in the end. Those who played Polybius were driven mad, many had psychological breakdowns, somewhere said to have been institutionalized, a good number committed suicide. So why does this tie to MKULTRA? simple, these symptoms and many other described with it are the same that come from a bad trip with LSD which the CIA secretly tested on the American public on more than one instance. LSD can be in many forms, liquid, power, hidden in bread, possibly even gas (the gas was never confirmed offici

What is Project MKULTRA

MKULTRA was a series secret government experiment that went on from 1953-1973, for those of you not good at math that is a full 20 years. The ultimate goal was to produce the perfect truth serum. There were many techniques used. Anywhere from drugging people with large amounts of pure LSD to hypnotism to electroshock therapy. These experiments were not only conducted here in the US at hospitals, prisons, and universities but also at McGill University in Canada. Those sent to the McGill University came in with minor issues such as minor depression and anxiety and if they left alive they were not the same person. Thier personalities were completely altered and many came out unable to speak. Now, this is where the questions start coming in, what were they doing in there? Did they intentionally alter the speaking capability of these patients? What else happened that was lost in the documents burned? And most importantly, is it still going on? Also, is the infamous Polybius another undo